14 May 2012

The LTi News Roundup - 13th th May 2012 (part 1)

Weekly news round-up prepared by the Editorial Staff of LangTechNews for LT-Innovate, the Forum for Europe’s Language Technology Industry.

What's happening in the Language Technology industry, from LT-Innovate

Top of the Week : Exalead

Calling the French firm Exalead a ‘search company’ is beginning to sound silly. Now part of the Dassault Systèmes stable of product lifecycle management companies, it is stepping up its role as all-round innovation accelerator. This week it announced that two French start-ups will be developing new applications based on public data as part of Exalead’s role as incubator for the government Dataconnexions program. The idea is for these two young companies to explore marketable uses of government data, and one will be working on health data and the other on hyper-local information. They will both leverage Exalead’s Cloudview technology to develop their apps.

The Semantic Revolution

‘Semantics’ can be a weasel word in the ITC sector. In the discipline of linguistics it partners phonology and syntax as a level of language structure that addresses the meaning of words and sentences. In industry, on the other hand, semantics refers to the capacity to link data items together (ideally tagged with additional information).This can produce insights and applications that represent more than the sum of their parts. The German company Transinsight scored twice this week with its inventive data search-and-show technology driven by semantics. One project will be delivering an automated RSS news analyst to the Mayor of Dresden’s office which will enable rapid evaluation and decision-making. In a completely different field, it will provide interactive modelling software for the Norwegian company Statoil to help them visualise geodata. Other semantics companies in view include the UK firm Ontology Systems that ensures enterprise data alignment, and Concept Searching which released a new version of its flagship product.

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