18 June 2012

Jury Member Profile for LT-Innovate Awards: Tom Tourwé from Sirris

Tom is a software & ICT researcher and technology advisor at Sirris. He is particularly interested in large-scale data processing & analysis and context-sensitive & pro-active decision support technologies. He participates in several European industry-driven R&D projects on these topics. Before joining Sirris, Tom obtained his PhD degree from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium in 2001, was a post-doctoral researcher at the Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands until 2006, and was an assistant professor at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e), The Netherlands in 2007.

Sirris, the collective centre of the Belgian technology industry, helps companies to introduce technological innovation enabling them to strengthen their competitive position. 

Sirris, the joint research centre for the technology industry in Belgium, is a private collective research centre founded in 1949 by Agoria, the multi-sector federation for the Belgian technology industry. SIRRIS has about 2500 member companies, which range from small and medium-sized businesses to multinational companies (>95% SME’s), active in 13 technological sectors including Information & Communication Technology. Its mission is to improve the competitiveness of its member companies through technology and innovation. Sirris has currently 140 employees focusing on knowledge acquisition (applied research), knowledge transfer (industrial projects) and awareness creation.

More information about the Jury Members for LT-Innovate Awards 2012.

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