10 September 2012

Feedback needed for the META-NET Strategic Research Agenda for Multilingual Europe 2020

The Strategic Research Agenda for Multilingual Europe 2020 (SRA)developed by META-NET is the result of discussions between hundreds of experts from research and industry. Its main purpose is to raise awareness for the field of Language Technology in Europe and attract the attention of and inform politicians and policy makers on the regional, national and international level in their decisions, especially with regard to the upcoming European funding opportunities "Horizon 2020" and "Connecting Europe Facility".

META-NET seeks your comments and statements on the draft SRA by 15 September 15 2012. Please send your feedback to georg.rehm@meta-net.eu (with the subject "META-NET SRA: feedback"). META-NET is especially looking for:

- Your opinion on the SRA draft and if it meets the needs outlined above.
- Quotes from research and especially industry representatives.
- Interesting data, convincing figures or numbers for certain market areas that might be a good fit for the SRA.
- Your opinion on the idea of setting up a European service platform for Language Technologies. (Chapter 6)

To download the SRA draft, click here.

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