01 December 2011

Horizon 2020, the new EU programme for research and innovation

The European Commission published yesterday its Communication on Horizon 2020, the new Research & Innovation Framework Programme - the successor to FP7.

 Among the proposed novelties are:
  • Major simplification through a simpler programme architecture;
  • Integration of research and innovation by providing seamless and coherent funding from idea to market;
  • A strong focus on creating business opportunities responding to the major concerns common to people in Europe and beyond, i.e. ‘societal challenges’;
  • Focus on Small and Medium-sized Entreprises with a special instrument;
  • Sustainable development as an overarching objective.
Information and Communications Technologies in Horizon 2020
The overall aim of EU research and innovation in ICT under Horizon 2020 is to bring the benefits of progress in these technologies to European citizens and businesses. In particular, ICT in Horizon 2020 will support the development of ICT in science, ICT in industrial leadership and ICT in societal challenges.

For more information:
Read the Communication
Visit the website